Presentation on PPPs at Scottish Parliament

Presentation by Dexter Whitfield, European Services Strategy Unit, to meeting ‘Rethinking Private Financing of Scottish Public Projects’ at the Scottish Parliament on 29 January 2020, organised by Jubilee Scotland and chaired by Neil Findlay, MSP.

I strongly recommend that the Scottish Parliament, local authorities and public bodies immediately adopt six strategies for public infrastructure projects in Scotland:

1 – Increase direct public investment in public infrastructure and stop all planned Mutual Investment Model projects.

2 – Scotland should adopt a new public design/finance and operate model.

3 – Local authorities and public bodies should intensify the monitoring of PPPs to identify defaults and poor performance.

4 – Establish a comprehensive and rigorous Economic, Social, Equality and Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis methodology.

5 – The Scottish Parliament and local authorities should oppose the sale of equity in PPPs.

6 – Challenge the trend of Scottish pension fund investment in PPPs.

Full details in pdf document and Jubilee Scotland website –