In June 2010 Cabinet agreed to instruct officers to:
1. Stop the procurement of the Integrated Housing Services Contracts, which had been previously authorised by Cabinet on 12th January 2010, with immediate effect.
2. Carry out a tenant consultation under section 105 of the Housing Act 1985 and also to consult leaseholders including a ‘Test of Opinion’ on a change of management arrangements from management by Ealing Homes (the Council’s ALMO) to direct management by the Council. The majority of those consulted supported the Council’s proposal to bring housing management back in house. The telephone survey found 59% of tenants in support and the postal survey showed 61% support.
3. Draw up proposals for the return of Housing Services currently delivered by Ealing Homes to direct management by the Council. It is proposed that Ealing Homes Ltd ceases trading with effect from 31 March 2011 and on the same date, it is anticipated that all EH Board members will resign.
Copy of the June and September reports to Cabinet: